Ruling a kingdom can be boring at times and you may wish e
Will you install trap doors and send those foolish enough to visit you plummeting to their deaths? Do you want to destroy the bank because you owe them a 1 gold loan, sure, want to imprison every musician who visits your court to disuade bards from visiting you, done, want to gamble and waste away all of your gold betting on scorpion fighting and dice games, yes, yes and yes! Pretty cool huh?Here are 10 of the 62,418,146,400,000 (62. You bet! you might find Seafaring Goblins, Fire Orcs, Eyeless Elves or the Famed Half-Turtles of the Western Turtledom, Orange Ogretaurs, Inbred Trench Dwarves, and millions more races you couldn't imagine!Each of these races has their own birth rate, a level of civility (or savageness), three unique units each with different battle scores, their own laws and societal standards (like xenophobia), and varying traits depending on their racial prefixes pulling from a large list of unique racial abilities sure to make each playthrough unique!RANDOM FACESIt's not just the races that are massively procedural in Warsim, it's also the faces! (If you want to learn more read below)Some of Warsim's main or more interesting features include.. In 'Warsim: The Realm of Aslona', your only goal is to keep the kingdom running, whether you thrive and become a mighty empire or fall to ruin.