Distant Worlds 2: Factions - Ikkuro and Dhayut
 The Dhayut are master deceivers and paranoid schemers.For the first time since the release of Distant Worlds 2, two new playable factions are joining the game – the peaceful Ikkuro and the devious Dhayut!The Ikkuro are focused on happiness, growth and harmony.Ikkuro Unique FeaturesHarmonious Utopia Government focuses on happiness and increases immigration, recreation and medical capabiltiiesBonuses to Damage Control, Plague Curing and Troop RecoveryConsensus Diplomacy means they are slower to agree to treaties, but value long-term relationships moreNo access to Bombardment weaponsBiome Shaping facilities replace the default Terraforming FacilitiesSF27 Organic Hull (best self-repair of all ships), Fusion Beams (increased rate of fire beam weapons), Splinter Pods (longer range assault pods)Larger Colony ShipsSpecial exclusive Leader and Ambassador traits focused on happiness, diplomacy and growthSpecial conditional events Respect for Life, Secrets of Life, Protection of Life and Disharmony reward non-aggression and colonization, but punish war, bombardment and exterminationLarger than usual Colony Ships and improved suitability across most planet typesDhayut Unique Features The Galaxy Expands!.Each of these new factions also comes with their own special storyline and unique story locations, adding to the possible exploration events and to your knowledge of galactic lore.