Category Features Company
.Noita is being developed by Nolla Games, a company set up by 3 indie developers, all of whom have worked on their own projects in the past.
Noita is being developed by Nolla Games, a company set up by 3 indie developers, all of whom have worked on their own projects in the past..
Noita for PC - Steam Download Code.
Noita for PC - Steam Download Code.Explore a procedurally generated world and create spells to fight and manipulate your environment.
Explore a procedurally generated world and create spells to fight and manipulate your environment. Noita for PC - Steam Download Code.
Explore a procedurally generated world and create spells to fight and manipulate your environment.
Noita: नोला गेम्स का नोइता एक भौतिकी-आधारित दुष्ट-लाइट गेम है जहाँ मृत्यु स्थायी है। एक प्रक्रियात्मक रूप से उत्पन्न दुनिया का अन्वेषण करें और अपने पर्यावरण से लड़ने और हेरफेर करने के लिए मंत्र बनाएं।.