Astray and lonely in a place of unfathomable cruelty, Jebat confronts monsters both supernatural and human in the Kabaret."Cursed into a monster, Jebat journeys into a realm called the "Alam Bunian". This game is hand drawn stylised art and is complimented with traditional musical soundtrack.FEATURESExperience the story through the eyes of our main character, JebatExplore Kabaret by interacting with more than 20 different Southeast Asian-inspired mythical creaturesPave your own way through the 6 different endings, each with its own unique routePerform tea ceremonies and get to know the dwellers of KabaretTake on a match in Guli and Congkak, our Southeast Asian-inspired minigamesManage a stage performance and help to put on a dazzling showFeaturing sounds of Hello Universe and Sambasunda IndonesiaKabaret brings together mythical beings from Southeast Asian folklore in a mystical realm.