As fledgling curators, you have the task of designing and refining your very own museums to create the ultimate guest experience.
By exceeding their expectations, you can keep them engaged, leading to longer visits, increased donations, and glowing reviews! To keep guests enthused, showcase Exhibits with the highest Buzz - those that are top quality, provide ample info and beautiful decorations are likely to attract the most donations!
Guests know best! The different types of guests who will frequent your museum may have different interests, but they do have some things in common… they expect the place to be kept clean, have plenty of refreshments, ample toilets, and a gift shop filled with goodies.
Two Point County will bring a variety of guests to your museum, and they all hope to discover their new favourite Exhibit… From dino fanatics and botany buffs to haunted horror seekers, you’ll need to cater to their personal preferences to meet their needs. Coordinate Experts on far-flung expeditions to discover new Exhibits, generating Buzz to entice droves of knowledge-hungry guests who will expect top infotainment if they’re to leave impressed.